Hosted Exchange Mail for Small Medium and Large Business
Compudynamics South Africa offers Hosted Exchange Mail for Small Medium and Large Business.
![Exchange for Small Medium and Large Business](
Hosted Exchange Mail keeps all your computers and devices in Sync at all times, and recover your emails from Hosted server when you like.
Email is a mission-critical application that sits at the heart of operational effectiveness and efficiency in any business. We all understand the role email plays in communication and collaboration between staff,clients, suppliers and partners. Hosted Exchange enables businesses of any size to enjoy secure, reliable and cost effective enterprise-grade email communication and collaboration.
Email has become one of the most frequently used business tools, with many customers relying on it more than their telephone to help them get through their work day. However, it is no longer simply ‘having’ email that differentiates one company from the next. It has become clear that businesses need to capitalise on the use of email that is becoming the key driver behind running effective and profitable operations.
Hosted Exchange offers a robust, hosted, outsourced and fully managed implementation of Microsoft Hosted Exchange; Located within dual data centres and dual ISPs.
Hosted Exchange is an affordable, premium email service
based on Microsoft® Exchange Server technology, allowing
small and medium businesses the ability to take advantage
of full collaboration Mail services such as Shared Calendaring, tasks, global address books and more.
Unfortunately, for most SMBs (Small Medium Businesses), the cost of running a Microsoft Exchange server ‘in-house’
is simply too much. Upfront costs can exceed R100 000, plus staff time to maintain the server.
This is why ‘managed Exchange hosting’ or ‘Exchange outsourcing’ makes sense for smaller businesses.
Exchange email outsourcing allows businesses to enjoy the same enterprise-strength IT that Fortune 500 companies
have, but at a price they can afford.
Below are some of the primary Features and Benefits relating to Hosted Exchange:
• Mail management – Customers are able to sort, prioritise, delegate and search mail
• Collaboration of data – which includes Shared Contacts, Calendars, Meeting Planner, Task Lists to name a few
• Mobility – Web and Mobile Access to Email
• No huge capital outlay – Customers no longer have to worry about hardware, licensing and support costs
• IT overheads down – taking pressure off the customers IT department, or saving money on outsourced technicians